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U.S. Dollars: Genuibe or Counterfeit? A Practical Guide for Identification of Banknotes

20.48 €
15.36 €


Cases of production of counterfeit U.S. Dollars by various techniques and with a different quality of imitation of security features are reviewed in detail in the practical guide «U.S. Dollars: Genuine or Counterfeit?», including a detailed description of counterfeit banknotes of «super» class of 50 and 100 Dollars denominations of different series — from 1977 till 2003 inclusive. . .Each series of U.S. banknotes, while being actually of single-type design in each denomination, nevertheless possesses its distinctive particularities in the execution of essential elements and other security features. These particularities, successively reviewed by the author in this publication, formed the basis for recommendations for the identification of U.S. Dollars of series issued since 1928 till 2006. . .Alexey Masich is one of the leading Russian experts in the field of examination of currency notes. His works on the expert examination of U.S. Dollars are of exceptional value, and techniques worked out by him for the identification of counterfeit notes are considered to be the model ones. .

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