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On this page, you will find books on home economics and handicrafts in Russian language. In our online store, we offer a wide selection of books that will help you learn and improve various skills of home crafting.

In our collection, you will find books on various types of handicrafts, such as knitting, sewing, embroidery, macrame, and more. We also offer books on home economics, including cooking, home maintenance, and others.

We collaborate with the best publishers and authors to provide our customers with current and high-quality literature. In our collection, you will find books for both beginner and advanced craftsmen, as well as books with useful tips and ideas.

We offer fast and convenient delivery of books throughout Europe. Moreover, we provide competitive prices on all books on home economics and handicrafts.

Buying books in our online store is an excellent way to learn something new, decorate your home, and make your life more interesting and creative.